Off to the Gym!

gym makeup tips

Keeping an exercise routine is important for good health! I have to admit, I am not always as disciplined about it as I should be. I do love my Pilates class, and I make sure that I am strict about getting in regular walking for a great cardio workout, though!

I am not a huge fan of being heavily made up when I am working out, and, this is also not very good for your skin! But, I don’t always like to go totally plain-faced, either. I usually opt for the motto, “Go with and feel without” when it comes to my workout look. This means that I apply very light makeup, which gives me a fresh look, but not too meticulous or perfectly done. This is important, because once you start to sweat, you don’t want to have tons of makeup streaking down your face! Plus, it won’t clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

Here are my recommendations when it comes to makeup for working out:

  1.  Apply a very thin layer of foundation, lightly.
  2.  Add a bit of blush or bronzer, this helps prevent you from appearing too “washed out” or pale.
  3.  Add some lip gloss (don’t leave home without it!).

This process will keep you looking fresh faced and beautiful, and you will enjoy your workout without having to worry about messing up your makeup!

Stay healthy and fit!